Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our enemy - his name is "I'm too busy"

We are just too busy all the time. How many times in a day do we use this phrase? How many joys of life do we pass up because we are too busy? How many times throughout the day does God try and talk to us but we are too busy to hear His still small voice? We have so much to do, so many places to go, so many people to talk to. When will we not be too busy anymore. Tomorrow, next week, next month, or maybe next year. That will be too late for the time right now. What are we missing out on because we are just too busy? Today, my little girl wants me to play with her and blow bubbles with her. Will she desire that tomorrow, or next week, or even next year. Today, my oldest wants me to braid her hair. Will she still ask tomorrow or next week. My boy really wants a water fight. When he is older will he still want this. This may be the last time I am ever asked to do these simple tasks, do I want my final words to be "sorry, I am too busy". Life was not meant to rule us like we let it. But you see it goes further than that. There is an acronym for busy: Bound Under Satans Yoke. See if he keeps us busy, when do we have time for family or church activities or God himself. If we are constantly running around trying to get all the tasks of life done, do we have time for completing the tasks God wants us to complete. What is the meaning of life...to work so you can pay bills...so you can have the gas to drive around ... to get the errands done... like shop for food... so you have to go back to work...to pay the bills...etc... It is a spiral effect that is heading in the opposite direction God wants us to go. God is to be our priority, Family comes next, Friends...these are the important things in life. I am having to search deeply to understand all this myself. When I find myself to busy, I must realize what it is I am doing that does not need to be done. Does it improve my relationship with my Creator? Is it helping me grow with my family? How am I being productive in my task right now? Am I bringing my God praise with my activities? Our lives are so full because we think we have to do things that really can either be put off until later or we are just trying to fit too much into our short lives.

Work is a must for all of us. We have to work in order to earn an income and provide the essentials for our family. Church activities are a priority. We must continually fellowship with others and reach out to our community and be a light in dark times. Family time is so important. I was rushing around the house today trying to get ready for work and suddenly here comes my little one. She jumps down from her chair, runs to me, grabs my leg and wraps her little arms around me. I pause, look down at her, and ask her what she needs. She gently speaks, " I just wanted to give you a hug, that's all." She reminded me to take some time out of my busyness to enjoy one of the simple pleasures of life...Love. I most of all have to learn to slow down and pay attention to those little moments, because you never know if they will repeat themselves again. Don't miss out on what is important in life, simply because you were to BUSY! I guarantee you will never look at being busy the same if you remember the acronym.

One of the best ways to experience love firsthand, is to be loved by a child. God's love and a child's love are so similar. OK that is another post...stay tuned.

1 comment:

Tyler Sullivan said...


Totally agree with you. It's hard to wake up and realize sometimes, how much of life you are letting slip by because you are "too busy"

Great Thoughts

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I hope to inspire you with some words of encouragement. I hope to send forth positive words from my comforter... the Lord. He has been a dear friend in my travels and I want to be able to share them with anyone else that is in need. Keep Him close at all times because you are always in need of such a friend as Jesus. Even when things are going great or when it all crashes down around you. Just keep your eyes on Him.

FROG- Fully Rely On God!