Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A nail in his holy place

Ezr 9:8
And now for a little space grace hath been [shewed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.

So for a small moment grace to leave us with a way of escape or deliverance and to give us a stake or a stable object in His holy place, that God may lighten our eyes or allow us to shine, and to give us some preservation or sustenance in our servitude or bondage.

This tells me that when I am going through the trials of life that God gives us small moments to allow us to see the light and he gives us a stability or something to hold fast to. He gives us a way of surviving the trial time. He is there for us when we may not be able to see Him. Like the sun on a cloudy day. We know it is there because it has always been there, and even in the darkest night hour, we know the sun is still there. The sun has not moved. We have moved. God is always there even when the storms of life cloud our view. When darkness sweeps around us we should be able to still stand tall on the promises of God, and know He is still there. Without trying times how would our faith grow. My daughter does not understand yet that even though it is dark outside, the sun still exists. This is a concept not yet understood in her young mind. But I as an adult who have lived through many days and nights, understand that it is still there. Why do I understand this because I have lived those many days and nights. As she grows and wakes each morning and lives another day and night, this concept will begin to emerge for her. It is a similar experience in the spiritual realm. Don't be so youngminded to think just because you don't see God or feel his warmth, He is not there. This is when our faith is flourishing and becoming stronger. Learn from these times. Ask God what His desire is for you to get out of this experience you are in. God expects us to mature as we expect our children to mature. You can not continue to be a babe in christ, you will go through experiences to help you grow and God will continue to bring you through these until you have the skill that he desires you to obtain from that trial.

Be thankful in these times that God is taking the time out of your life to teach you something, maybe it is a sign to you just how great a purpose you will serve for His kingdom. What great plans does He have for your life here on earth? Why is He choosing to grow your faith? There is a bigger picture to our lives than we tend to think about. It is not just about being happy. I had someone tell me a while back...Well I am sure that God does not want us to suffer, He is a loving God and He wants us to be happy doesn't He?... Sure He wants us to be happy. So be happy during your trial time. That is completely our decision. Someone who sits on top of the world can be happy or sad. So don't let the world tell you that it is not God's will for us to be depressed or sad so therefore it is not His will for you to continue in your trial. It is not for a punishment. It is to help us grow and it is our choice to be happy about it or sad.

Words from my pastor: "We make our children clean their room right?!"
Are we not the children of God? So take joy in cleaning your room! Just like life, it is not all fun and games. We have circumstances that need our attention to make us into better people. So it is your choice whether to take your life and be happy with it and continue in your way with a smile or feel that God is picking on you and "bellache" the hard times! (not that I don't do my fair share of bellyaching!) :-)

Give it all to God, He will take control of it. Be obedient to what His will is and it will all work out for the good of those who serve the Lord.

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Welcome to my blog..

I hope to inspire you with some words of encouragement. I hope to send forth positive words from my comforter... the Lord. He has been a dear friend in my travels and I want to be able to share them with anyone else that is in need. Keep Him close at all times because you are always in need of such a friend as Jesus. Even when things are going great or when it all crashes down around you. Just keep your eyes on Him.

FROG- Fully Rely On God!