Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of country music by any means! But...Garth Brooks, I believe wrote a song several years ago "unanswered prayers". I dont know the words but a few. I know the meaning of the song though without even hearing it. I know from years of experience the emotions behind such a song. As a parent I have to know when to say "no". If you don't ever tell your children no, they become selfish, self centered, and they will grow up thinking that everything they want, they get. Can you imagine someone in your life that you may have met or a family member that comes to mind that has never heard the word 'no' before? The person that if told no, either makes a way or runs someone over to get their way? Yeah, I have met them. People need to have a good balance of "yes' " and "no's". Adults are the same way, in that aspect, as children. God is now our parent. He is our Father. He knows what is best. He is looking out for our future. I tell my children, its your job to ask for something you want or think you need, and its my job to decide whether you need it or not. Its their responsibility to deal with the outcome. Its my job to enforce the outcome. Its the same way with God. We pray to Him for our wants and our "needs". Even though He knows what we need, I think He enjoys it when we ask Him. It's up to Him to decide whether we really "need" this in our life. Will it benefit us in some way or will it hurt us in the long run? Will it hurt someone else in the future? Is it worth the risk now for a future cause? Its alot to decide, thats why He is God! I am not smart enough sometimes...most of the time, to decide what is really best for my future and for the future of my children. I dont know what life has waiting for me if I make the wrong decision. I take comfort in knowing God has my future in His hands. I ask, He says "no" and I deal with it! He knows my heart's desire. But He also takes into account our future. I am grateful for that because looking back at all my prayers, I am thankful He did not answer some of those prayers. I prayed them in selfishness, I decided right now mattered more than my future, my kid's future. He knew all of that! I thank God not only for my answered prayers, but more so for the unanswered prayers because I believe just as a parent has a hard time saying no, so does God. I feel that as a heavenly Father, He wants to give us everything we desire, but its just not good for us. If you're a parent you may understand this concept more so than if you dont have any children.
Thank you Lord for my unanswered prayers, and I pray that you will lead me through the difficult situations in which I must endure. It would be so much easier right now if you answered my prayers, but I trust in you that you hold my family's and my future in your hands.
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