Tuesday, December 16, 2008

When the light shines the brightest, its the darkest all around

As I was driving down our street last night, I was noticing all the beautiful Christmas lights. People decorate their yards, houses, and sometimes their cars! They put up huge displays. Sometimes its just a little house trimming that is done. As I passed by I admired them and the work it took to put all those lights up.
Now I have driven by them many times before in the past few weeks but never really noticed those lights. The displays that these people took the time out to put up in their yards. I never took in the beauty of these seasonal decorations. The reason: too busy? No. driving too fast? Hope not! Distracted? Maybe. The real reason was it has always been light out as I drove past these houses.
It was only when it was almost completely black all around me, that I noticed the beautiful displays. When the sun was down, darkness had fallen. That is when the lights shown like they had not shown before. Then my eyes were drawn to the Christmas decorations.
If you think about this it makes sense in our walks with God too. During the daylight hours (things are going good)when the sun is shining down on us and we can see what lies ahead, we dont see the lights that call for our attention. We are going about our way almost with blinders on. Then when darkness falls (things get bad for us) we look everywhere for a light at the end of the tunnel. We start seeing the lights that were there all along (God). He is there no matter day or night but its when the darkness surrounds us is when we take notice of the "Christmas Lights".
Let us remember that it may be we are going through dark times so God can show us how bright He can shine!
Merry Christmas to you all!

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I hope to inspire you with some words of encouragement. I hope to send forth positive words from my comforter... the Lord. He has been a dear friend in my travels and I want to be able to share them with anyone else that is in need. Keep Him close at all times because you are always in need of such a friend as Jesus. Even when things are going great or when it all crashes down around you. Just keep your eyes on Him.

FROG- Fully Rely On God!