Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I write this to all those people out there that may have grown up with a single mom or a single dad. Maybe you grew up with a family that you were not born into. They chose you out of so many other needing children. I write this from my heart. A heart which comes from a single mom. I write this from a heart that did not grow up knowing what it meant “you just wait until your dad gets home!” I was raised without realizing what it meant for a mom to share the responsibility of a household with another. I watched my mom do it all. I matured thinking that you do not share a task with another you simply just did it yourself.

I want to discuss more than just the tasks of life, though. The heart and spirit are affected deeply by this as well. The heart learns to depend on just the motherly love. It learns some discipline but not like that of a household of two. As I grew I would stand in awe and wonder of my friends that had the Mom and Dad household. I never really wanted that instead of what I had. I did not see that as an option. But as I look back I think of the father I never really had. I ponder what would it have been like? Then it hits me…. I had a father as I grew.

I had this father watching me in more ways than one. I did not grow up lack of a parent. I was given the Father of all fathers as a parent. He chose to be my sole father on Earth. He saw that He was all I would need in life. He knew I needed a mom. But as far as the father image…He would supply all my needs. There is no perfect parent here on Earth but there is one in heaven. So I did not grow up fatherless, I was blessed with being one of many that has a Perfect Parent : Jesus Christ.
What is your walk in life like? Did God choose to be your sole parent? Did he fill those gaps in for you? Has He taught you what you needed to learn? If you answered no, then maybe you have not allowed Him to. Take some time out and think on this. Then search His word and pray…He will supply you with all that you need.

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Welcome to my blog..

I hope to inspire you with some words of encouragement. I hope to send forth positive words from my comforter... the Lord. He has been a dear friend in my travels and I want to be able to share them with anyone else that is in need. Keep Him close at all times because you are always in need of such a friend as Jesus. Even when things are going great or when it all crashes down around you. Just keep your eyes on Him.

FROG- Fully Rely On God!