Thursday, October 16, 2008

Abraham staggered not at the promises of God

This is a recap of last nights preaching from Pastor Ken Sullivan, the highlights which stuck out to me:

Abraham staggered not at the promises of God. He would go through with the sacrifice of his only son. This is an act that was being carried on by the surrounding tribes, God now asked Abraham to do the very thing that everyone else was doing, to test his faith in God. Abraham simply told his son Isaac, that God would provide himself a lamb. He knew that God would come through for him somehow. Abraham staggered not at the promises of God.

When Abraham was about ready to sacrifice his only son, God had provided a ram in the brush behind him. But the angel of the Lord had to hold back his hand because he was so consumed with the circumstance and what he had to do, he took no notice to the "lamb God had provided." There right behind him was the answer to this test. The ram. It was there. For how long was that ram in the brush, we don't know. When he bound his son and placed him on the altar that ram may have been there. When he pulled out the knife to slay his only son, that ram may have been there. He had his head down looking at what had to be done. His immediate circumstances. He had to lift up his head and his countenance to see that God had provided. He had the faith that God would provide but he had to position himself, that is reposition himself to be able to see what it was God had provided.

We get so wrapped up in our situations that we are not looking at what escape God has provided for us. Lift up your eyes and look for the open door.

Life is meant to be lived
Stop staggering


*Angela* said...

Andy (Aunt Gail's son). It's his birthday today.

*Angela* said...

I know, it's sad. And he's actually only 21! (today, he turned 21). I thought we were the same age, but he's a year younger than me. Sad.

Welcome to my blog..

I hope to inspire you with some words of encouragement. I hope to send forth positive words from my comforter... the Lord. He has been a dear friend in my travels and I want to be able to share them with anyone else that is in need. Keep Him close at all times because you are always in need of such a friend as Jesus. Even when things are going great or when it all crashes down around you. Just keep your eyes on Him.

FROG- Fully Rely On God!