Everyone has a story...Here's a glimpse of mine.
I grew up knowing the Lord. He was always with me. I spent many days in the hospital due to my asthma. He was with me. Though I did not know He was with me. I went to Sunday School but that was usually it. I was baptized at 7. I remember one day as a child in my room I started praying. Then I was crying and I did not understand what was happening but looking back, now I know. God was reaching down and touching my heart. He was placing something inside of me that would keep me for my long journey ahead.
Months maybe years went by and I never really reflected too much on that. Through teenage years...Ha Ha Wow aren't those fun...I occasionally thought about the Lord. I would send up a prayer or two. I did not attend church but once with a friend. I would not call myself a christian by all means at that stage. But the Lord was with me. I was not living the way He would of wanted me to but He stayed at my side and listened to my prayers. He comforted me in times of need.
As I became a young adult I am sorry to say I did not draw any closer to the Lord. But I always knew He was with me, watching over me. I did attend church more often than in the past but I still did not have a strong relationship with the Lord. I got the Holy Ghost when I was a teenager but I still was not ready to turn my life completly over to Him. I did my own thing but when trouble came I would reach out to Him. Then as adulthood came I finally made a commitment to trust in the Lord with everything I had. I received the Holy Ghost again and again and again. I was faithful to the house of the Lord. I battled my way to do right when wrong just seemed better.
Now the Lord has become my friend, counselor, Prince of Peace, Heavenly Father and my everything. Through good times and bad I praise Him. How can I not give Him the glory when I look back and see all He has brought me through. I know I kept this generic still with little details but look at your own life. This is my testimony of what He has done for me. Only I can relate to this story because it is mine. But look back...What did He do for you behind the scenes? What did He put inside of you? Has He given you joy in times of despair? Has He given you life when death was at your door? Did He put you in green pastures after pulling you from your miry clay?
He has literally saved my life atleast thrice that I can count and that I am aware of. He has made me laugh when I should of cried. He has made me productive when I should be sitting on a corner talking to myself! He has renewed my soul when dark days hung on.
What has He done for you? No matter all the bad things that may be happening right now...Take a moment right now to reflect on what He has done in your life. Pick just one thing, and thank Him for it. You will feel better instantly. No matter what you have been through Jesus can relate to your situation and help you through it.
When you are looking up then you will take your eyes off all the destruction going on around you. Sometimes it is good to just look up for a while toward God and give your spirit a rest from all the stress and worries of this life. Look up and reflect back to a time that God really moved in your life. He is a healing God. Not only physical wounds but spiritual, emotional wounds can also be healed. He can heal wounds from abuse, addictions, or just unsettling events from your past. Let God heal you...but first you must expose your wound to Him so He can bandage you up!
Remember back as a kid you fell off your bike or skinned your knee at some point. Then good ole mom or dad, grandpa or grandma wanted to clean out the wound. You knew it was going to hurt so you would inch away as they came at you. But if they did not get the debris out it was going to just get infected and then turn into a body wide infection. Apply this to spiritual now. God must examine your wound, clean it out though it may be painful, then bandage it. If it is not thoroughly cleaned out and something that does not belong gets left in there...an infection can happen called bitterness. Allow the Lord to bandage your wound. And for goodness sake keep the bandaid on to let the healing process occur. Dont rip up the bandage and pick at the scab! Let it go and let healing run through your body from your heavenly Father above.
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