Monday, July 14, 2008


Check out the above link. A glimpse into my work life...

Note: the quote from a patient of mine...

I learned a lot from this program. Mariah was very knowledgeable, patient and helped me to understand asthma and my medication. Because of her I knew what questions to ask my doctors and what worked best for me. I went from needing my inhalers four to six times a day, to needing it once in the last month! I went from an 18 percent to a 63 percent lung improvement! – Deborah F., Maryland

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Welcome to my blog..

I hope to inspire you with some words of encouragement. I hope to send forth positive words from my comforter... the Lord. He has been a dear friend in my travels and I want to be able to share them with anyone else that is in need. Keep Him close at all times because you are always in need of such a friend as Jesus. Even when things are going great or when it all crashes down around you. Just keep your eyes on Him.

FROG- Fully Rely On God!